Dramatic Play
The kids had so much fun acting out Goldilocks and the Three Bears last week, I promised it would be in dramatic play this week. It was a great transition to the new theme.
They had so much fun! They gathered together and acted it out several times. With the kitchen being there, I thought it'd also be used for housekeeping play, but they just acted out the story over and over! There was a doll, and 3 stuffed bears, if they needed them in case there weren't enough people to act it out with the masks, but as soon as 1-2 kids started acting it out, a few more always joined in! I never helped, and it was so cute watching them retell the story to a T!
The second week, we had out the giant mitten and the masks and sign and books, from the story we read and acted out in week 1. I never saw anyone act out the story, but lots of kids loved climbing inside the mitten!
We played Lincoln Logs. I've found they're a bit frustrating to kids this young, since you have to put them together a certain way and don't just stack anyway you want, but we tried them again. They had a great time, and it really pushed them. A few kids were very determined to build a house. I had to help quite a bit, to show how to stack them, but once they got the hang of it, they were building houses and towers. This was a popular center all 3 days!
We went with the winter theme, and did Epsom salt painting to create "ice crystals." Since the results are delayed, they just enjoy painting with water, and are shocked when they come back the next day to see their dry and crystallized pictures!
We played in fake snow for a sensory activity. There were different polar animals in them. We still had water beads from before, so they added some water beads to the snow too. They had a great time playing with each other here.
We made "snow paint" by mixing glue with shaving cream. One of the bowls had glitter in it too. It was a fun sensory experiment, and became sticky finger paints for a few of the kids. :)
Small Manipulatives
We did an ABC floor puzzle and a sequencing puzzle.
The third day, we played with the manips we had done in small group the week before. The counting snowman buttons, and the ABC mittens. I added a clothesline and clothespins for the mitten game, and they loved that! Using clothespins is a great activity for strengthening those little finger muscles!
Aside from the usual, I made them cinnamon tortilla snowflakes from an idea I got here. I folded and cut the tortillas like a snowflake, then added a little melted butter and cinnamon sugar, then baked them right before snack. They were a huge hit and they begged for seconds!
We colored the snow with spray bottles, and ketchup and mustard bottles, filled with water and food coloring. They loved this! They preferred the condiment bottles because they're faster and easier, but I love when they use the spray bottles because it's such good exercise for their little hand muscles.
Large Group
Day 1, we read The Three Snow Bears. It made for a great transition from our bear unit. They loved the story, and comparing it to Goldilocks. They also loved looking at the hidden pictures on the side that Jan Brett uses to tell more than just the story. They loved pointing out what was happening in each one.
I also had planned some fun snow and ice experiments, but they require freezing weather, which we had all December, but it was now in the 40s. We just did one of them, where we gathered snow samples outside and brought in to melt. We checked on them on day 2, and noticed which ones were dirtier, but that even the ones from pure white snow that hadn't been walked on, still had dirt in them. We talked about eating snow and how it might be dirty, and also how the clean snow gets dirt in it. Since we were stuck inside with the inversion, we talked about the dirty air and such too. Great discussion and lesson!
p.s. The yellow snow is from where they had been coloring the snow :) We have found deer poop out here, though, so I guess it could be anything :)
Day 2, we read The Mitten, my favorite Jan Brett book, then acted it out! It got squishy in our giant mitten, but they had so much fun!I had name signs for them, plus masks I got from Jan Brett's website.
Day 3, we read Annie and the Wild Animals, then chose a wild animal to glue onto our lids for our snow globes. We'll add the water and glitter next week, once our glue is dry.
We had extra time since we couldn't go outside because of the air quality, so we also played a Jan Brett memory game, with numbers and pictures by Jan Brett that we had to count and match to the numbers. It's from her website too. We can never practice counting too much! Especially using our fingers and tracking.
Here's the finished projects:
I know they have high risk of shattering, so hope they survived at your houses. I know our animal came unglued, but many of the kids said they were going to open it up at home anyway to get the animals back out :)
Small Group
Week 1, our mom volunteer helped practice counting and number recognition with snowman button counting. The kids count the buttons onto the snowmen, to match the numbers on the hats. I also have that number of dots on the snowman, to help them with their counting and one-to-one correspondence as they learn to identify the numeral matching the number of objects. They also helped the kids place the snowmen in order 1-10. Awesome moms, going above and beyond!
I worked with the kids on ABC order, as we placed mittens with letters written on them in ABC order. We also played Jan Brett memory with character cards from her website.
Both of these activities were out to play and explore on their own the next week, now that they were shown how to do them.
Week 2, we only had 1 day, so the volunteer helped me do a literacy activity with the whole group, and I was glad for the extra help! We did a beginning sounds worksheet puzzle, where the kids glued a piece with a letter on it on top of the picture with the same beginning sound. In the end, they had a picture from The Mitten. I was very impressed with their ability to hear the beginning sounds, and match it to the letter! They were small letters, which are often harder than capitals, plus there was a b, d, and p, so that was tricky, but they got it! I got it here from Kelly's Kindergarten.