Another one ended up hanging only by a thread as well and I expected it to fall too, but it hung on! Its skin stayed attached at the top too. It's the only one who had that happen, so that's the extra black blob you see.
One guy was super late to the game, but he finally crawled to the top and also changed.
According to Insect Lore, the guy on the bottom will be fine. I waited a few days for them to all harden, then transferred them to the butterfly habitat. The guy on the bottom does have a dented chrysalis, so I'm worried that will affect his metamorphosis. We'll have to see. I have to remind myself they're just bugs. I worry so much!
They hatch in 7-10 days. Thursday will be day 8 for 2 of them, so fingers crossed we get to see some hatch! Otherwise, they'll probably hatch over the weekend.
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