Nursery Rhymes: Pat-a-cake and Muffin Man

ABC/123 foam floor puzzle

Old MacDonald Had a Farm farm toys

Old King Cole castle

1-2-3-4-5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
These fishing poles are back by popular demand!

Cotton ball sheep
Dot paints
Glue pasta stars and sequins

Paint with sponges

Small Manipulatives
Nursery Rhyme felt boards (switched out different stories each day)

3 Little Kittens Lost their Mittens

Nursery Rhyme puzzles

Nursery Rhyme sequencing

Magnet board: counting 1-10
Nursery Rhyme coloring pages
Day 1, we had muffins and read The Muffin Man
Day 2, we made and ate pudding, and read Georgie Porgie
Day 3, we ate boiled eggs and crackers for Humpty Dumpty
Day 4, we ate cottage cheese (curds and whey) and read Little Miss Muffet
Large Group
We learned a nursery rhyme ABC song. Our word of the week was rhyme.
Day 1, we read Mary had a little lamb, Little Bo Peep, and Little Miss Muffet and found the rhyming words. Then we worked together to complete rhyming puzzle wheels.
Day 2, We found more rhymes in London Bridge and Ring Around the Rosies, then sang and danced to those songs.
Day 3, we read Humpty Dumpty and did an egg-dropping experiment. The kids built a wall with blocks on the table and they cooperated so well together! We sang the nursery rhyme and I let the egg fall off the wall. We dropped the egg on wood blocks, the rug, and a pillow. They had guessed it would break on both the blocks and the rug, but it only broke on the blocks!

Day 4, we practiced numerals 1-10 and did counting nursery rhymes, 5 Little Piggies, 1 2 buckle my shoe, and 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive.
Small Group
Week 1, My group worked on sequencing nursery rhymes.

The other group did a montessori activity, sweeping stars into a square shape.

Week 2, my group did twinkle twinkle little star and a small motor activity. They had papers with a star traced on them, and they used thumb tacks to prick holes along the star, so that when they held it up to light, they could see the tiny holes. It's just good fine motor practice.
The other group practiced tracing their names with dry erase markers.
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