Dr. Seuss Land

Truffula trees, decor, and stuffed animals and books. It was pretty open for the kids to interpret and play as they wanted, and they had fun! There were often animals and things in the blocks that wandered over to this forest. They also loved the Dr. Seuss stuffed characters.
If I Ran a Zoo, Dr Seuss' Book of Animals and toy animals

McElligot's Pool and 1 Fish 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and fishing poles

Dr. Seuss' ABCs and ABC blocks

What Pet Should I Get? and pets (forgot a pic)
Bartholomew and the Oobleck, and oobleck! (cornstarch and water)

Marble painting
They dropped the marbles onto the papers and rolled the marbles around in the tray.

Baking soda tray with colored vinegar and eye droppers. Fun science activity, and great fine motor skills with the eye droppers!

Glue and pom-poms
Small Manipulatives
Hat Matching, Cat in the Hat

Wikki stix

Circus puzzle, If I Ran the Circus

Horton Hears a Who and Horton Hatches the Egg and Horton counting links

Dr Seuss stickers, these were a hit!

Dr Seuss stamps

Reading Center

Cat in the Hat fruit kabobs (bananas and strawberries). They had fun making them and worked on their patterns, and strengthened small motor skills.
Colored goldfish, sorting and counting (1 Fish 2 Fish)
Green Eggs and Ham

Large Group
We learned the words author and illustrator.
Day 1, we read Cat in the Hat and painted our own hats, practicing patterns.
Day 2, we read Horton Hears a Who, and sorted pom-poms balls by color and size.
Day 3, we read My Many Colored Days and did an art project. I traced a person onto contact paper, then they got to stick colored tissue paper squares onto it.
Day 4, we played rhyming bingo to practice rhymes.
Small Group
Week 1, my group played rhyming memory.
The other group practiced counting with the Horton counting links.
Week 2, my group read Wocket in my Pocket, then made up funny rhymes in our journals and illustrated them.
The other group played with the pattern blocks pattern cards and made patterns.
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