Friday, December 20, 2019

Merry Christmas!

I'm really hating that I tried to cram all this Christmas fun into 2 days instead of 4, but it was still so fun and magical, and that leaves me lots of activities with no repeats for next year!

Dramatic Play

Christmas tree! I only decorated out of reach, so they could finish the bottom half. I want them to know they can touch something they might be told at home that they can't (and I get that, but at preschool, it's theirs, so I want them to feel some ownership).  They could hang up some of my shatter proof ornaments, or had 2 options to make their own.

I also have Christmas masks and hats, plus presents they can open and shut and add things too, and bags and stockings. Their turn to play Santa! It's fun to watch them fill and deliver the gifts to each other.

Their finished tree and ornaments:


Christmas Duplos. Aren't they the cutest? I found them last year when my then 3-year-old threw me for a loop and asked for a reindeer toy. He treasures these so I was excited he offered to let the preschoolers play with them.

Magnatiles and jingle bells. It's so fun to play with magnets and metal!


We made waffles for snack, then had these beaded Christmas trees to decorate. It's a great fine motor skill!

Christmas stamps

Small Manipulatives

Christmas puzzles

Beanbag toss. It's obviously more of a large motor skill than the fine-motor skills I usually keep in this area, but an important skill either way!

Fun Christmas magnets

Reading Center

2 stuffed animals dropped by for reading time!

Writing Center

Christmas cards. I could NOT believe how popular this one got! They all attacked it at the same time and were so dang excited about envelopes. And the fact I said they could take them home, but mostly because there was a little mailbox by the tree they could put them in. They used every card I had. I had to refill the center a few times.


Day 1, we had Christmas tree waffles with blueberry ornaments. A huge hit, inspired by Pinterest!

Day 2, we had hot chocolate and graham crackers.

Large Group

We learned about the word celebrate and sang Jingle Bells with real bells.

Day 1, we read Llama Llama Holiday Drama. Then we played this fun movement game where they got to move their bodies around the room like these Christmas objects or characters. It's from this blog.

Day 2, we read Polar Express and did our small group centers with mom helpers.

Small Group

Day 1, I helped the kids make "name trees" to review the letters in their names.

A mom helper did ornament counting with the other group.

Day 2, my group made candy canes with red and white beads to learn an AB pattern, and practice the letters in their name with letter beads.

Another group with a mom helped practiced their letter names on a Polar Express coloring page. She helped them add puffs of smoke with the letters of their name in the right order.

The other mom helped the kids make bead patterns on bell necklaces.

Also, I hope you enjoy your ornament gift! I was inspired by these on Pinterest, and found supplies at Dollar Tree to make them work. Their pictures were adorable. I just used clear plastic cups, foam snow, and added a character eraser, and a little sequin ribbon to jazz it up. They were so excited to take their pictures when I showed them what it was for. Hope you liked them as much as the kids did! I let them help put them together (besides the hot glue), but they got to watch that part.

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