Sorry about last Wednesday and all the sickness. I had everything all set up to go, but I'm thinking I'll just do what I had planned during our 4 seasons review next month. So, we'll be doing the water cycle stuff then. And now, everything is all bleached and sanitized and ready for your return Monday. :)
I don't have many pictures this week, so enjoy your reading!
Dramatic Play: Ice Cream Store
These kids love the cash register and this piece of cardboard! Every time it comes out, they just can't stay away. We had fun working at the Ice Cream Store this week. We had play ice cream cones, Dilly bars, and play fruits and other desserts. Plus, we had empty ice cream containers with styrofoam balls as ice cream scoops. And of course, spoons and bowls. The purses and money are a must, and a favorite. We did a lot of math here, counting scoops and money. And there was also a "Counting Sweet Treats" game that they played a lot, that worked with numbers 1-10.
We did a lot of ABC review this week. We had the letter easter eggs out again from dinosaur week, that match the capital and small letters. Inside were toys that matched up with each letter. This was a great "learning through play" moment as I just sat and played with the toys with some of the kids, then we started figuring out their beginning sounds and matching them to their eggs.
We also had several ABC puzzles out, and ABC stickers in the writing center.
We tried out another pinterest idea, condensed milk painting. It was fun and sticky and very colorful! I forgot to take pics, but they looked awesome. I loved watching these girls enjoy the process of art, by discovering they could swirl their brushes above their papers and just let it drip in cool designs on their paper, rather than just painting. We had a great time.
Monday, there was just green paper and scissors, and I asked them to cut leaves for our spring tree. Seems simple and boring, but they all participated sometime throughout the day. Cutting is a great fine motor skill at this age, and they all thought it was so important to get the leaves up in the tree. They helped hang the lower ones.
Large Group:
We read about signs of spring, and began learning our new spring songs, Popcorn Popping and Rain is Falling. We also finished a shape sorting activity we started, but didn't finish during space week.
We are so lucky that my backyard neighbor has an apricot tree right along our fence. It was in perfect full bloom Monday and so we went out there to review our word, blossom, and sing Popcorn Popping. I don't know about you, but I clearly remember singing that as a kid, and thinking it really was popcorn and being confused. So, we talked a lot about that song and the blossoms. We got to have popcorn for snack too, and then used our extra popcorn to make blossoms for our tree.
And it's a good thing we already enjoyed her blossoms, because that wind storm blew them all away!
We enjoyed some fun outside time the first Wednesday, and played our new favorite games Red Light Green Light and Duck Duck Goose. It's so fun to teach them these games and watch them play. We don't quite get all the rules, but we're laughing and having tons of fun! We were stuck inside from the rain on Monday, but we were so busy playing that we did just fine. The rain is a great sign of spring, so it fit right into our lessons!
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